
Elda Kazara-Belja 

Senior Lecturer / Head of Administration, IMO International Maritime Law Institute

Profesora Titular, Jefa de Administración, Instituto de Derecho Marítimo de la OMI

Panel 3: Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Environmental Protection

Elda Kazara-Belja, is currently a Senior Lecturer at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute. She joined the Institute in 2008 and has been a permanent member of the faculty ever since. She has lectured in many areas of international maritime law, including private shipping contracts, law of maritime safety, and law of the sea. She has participated in international conferences and workshops where she has delivered presentations on issues of the law of the sea, shipping law, marine environmental law, and migration at sea. Ms Kazara-Belja joined the IMO’s Roster of Experts in 2012 and the FAO’s Roster of Experts in 2018. She is a contributor and co-editor of the Second Volume of The IMLI Manual in International Maritime Law and author of chapters in books and articles. Prior to joining the Institute, she worked as Senior Legal Officer at the Maritime Department under the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Albania. In addition to her extensive academic duties, Ms. Kazara-Belja is currently the Head of Administration of the Institute.

Elda Kazara-Belja es actualmente profesora titular en el Instituto de Derecho Marítimo Internacional de la OMI. Se incorporó al Instituto en 2008 y desde entonces es miembro permanente de la facultad. Ha dado conferencias en muchas áreas del derecho marítimo internacional, incluidos los contratos de transporte privado, el derecho de la seguridad marítima y el derecho del mar. Ha participado en congresos y talleres internacionales donde ha realizado presentaciones sobre temas de derecho del mar, derecho marítimo, derecho ambiental marino y migración en el mar. La Sra. Kazara-Belja se unió a la Lista de Expertos de la OMI en 2012 y a la Lista de Expertos de la FAO en 2018. Es colaboradora y coeditora del Segundo Volumen del Manual IMLI de Derecho Marítimo Internacional y autora de capítulos de libros y artículos. Antes de incorporarse al Instituto, trabajó como Oficial Jurídica Superior en el Departamento Marítimo del Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura de Albania. Además de sus amplias funciones académicas, la Sra. Kazara-Belja es actualmente la Jefa de Administración del Instituto.

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