Professor, Shipping Finance at Bayes Business School
Nikos Nomikos is Professor of Shipping Finance at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass). He is the Academic Director of the Bayes Dubai Executive MBA Program and the former Director of the MSc in Shipping, Trade and Finance.
His area of expertise is Ship Finance, Risk Management and Asset Pricing for Shipping and Commodity Markets. Examples of his research include the development of ship valuation models, designing shipping indices and market benchmarks, structuring risk management products, valuation of freight derivative contracts, big-data analytics for assessing market dynamics and sustainable finance. Nikos has published more than 50 papers in peer-review academic journals. He has co-authored the book “Shipping Derivatives and Risk Management” considered the leading reference book in this area.
Nikos commenced his career at the Baltic Exchange as Head of Market Analytics where he oversaw the development of shipping indices that are currently used in the market as pricing benchmarks. Being interested in applied and commercially viable research, Nikos collaborates widely with corporations both as consultant as well as in executive education. He also acts as expert witness on shipping-related cases.
Nikos lectures on Finance, Economics, Asset pricing and Risk Management for the MSc, MBA and PhD programs. He is also Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers.