Associate Professor; Head of Maritime Law and Policy
World Maritime University
Dr. Romero has been a member of the Faculty of Law at the World Maritime University since 2011 and currently serves as the Head of the Maritime Law and Policy Specialization. She received her Law degree from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela and an LL.M. degree from Tulane University in the U.S. before earning a Ph.D. with honors (cum laude) from Leibniz Universität Hannover in Germany.
Dr. Romero’s academic career began in 2005 when she joined the Venezuelan Maritime University as a part-time professor. In addition to her teaching duties, she served as Coordinator at the International Affairs Office of the Venezuelan Maritime Administration. She later became the Head of that office and represented her country at several international meetings at the International Maritime Organization and the International Oil Pollution Funds in London.
With firsthand professional experience both as a delegate at international forums representing her homeland and in the classroom, Dr. Romero brings a unique perspective to the Maritime Law and Policy Specialization. She lectures on International Organizations and Maritime Conventions, the Law of the Sea, and the Protection of the Marine Environment and oversees these courses. In addition, she organizes the annual Moot Court Competition, which focuses on current issues of the Law of the Sea, along with a field study trip to The Hague and Hamburg. She has also been invited to lecture at the IFLOS Summer Academy at ITLOS in Hamburg, Germany.
Dr. Romero places great importance on cooperation activities with Latin America and the Caribbean and has already organized two regional conferences there: the “Maritime and Port Sectors in the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities in Light of the SDGs” conference in Lima, Peru in 2017 and the “Second Regional Conference: Maritime Transport and Ocean Policies: Regional Perspectives for the Americas” in Veracruz, Mexico in 2019.