Senior Director, Environment Policy and Standards
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Annalisse Skelton is the Senior Director, Environment Policy and Standards, at the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. As Senior Director Annalisse is responsible for leading and supervising the development and delivery of strategic policy and regulatory initiatives that protect the environment from the impacts of shipping within Australia. Annalisse also contributes to the development and implementation of international initiatives to protect the marine environment, primarily through the IMO.
APrior to this Annalisse was Australia’s Alternate Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization (APRIMO) from October 2019- December 2022. Prior to the APRIMO role Annalisse held various policy and regulatory advisor roles in the Environment, Policy and Standards team from 2011. Annalisse has been active in the IMO for over a decade where she has formed part of the Australian delegation for a number of IMO Committee and Sub-Committee meetings and Chaired the Working Group on Marine Plastic Litter, established by the Marine Environment Protection Committee.
Annalisse has also been active in the IMO’s Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme, undertaking engagement in the Asia-Pacific region on environmental shipping issues. Prior to joining AMSA in 2011, Annalisse worked in policy development for the prevention and management of marine pest incursions for the Australian Government.