Professor Emeritus
Inha University
Young-Tae (YT) Chang is Professor Emeritus at Graduate School of Logistics and at Asia Pacific School of Logistics, Inha University in Incheon, Korea. Prior to working at Inha University, YT worked for the Korea Ocean Institute of Science and Technology and the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI: government think-tank under Prime Minister) for about twenty years. He was the last President of KMI. Since he joined Inha University, he has been actively involved in establishing international network of education and research including Global University 8 Consortium as the Founding Secretary-General, and Asian Logistics Round Table as a Founding Member. He established numerous international degree programs with the partner universities. He has been Visiting and Adjunct Professor at various universities including the University of Rhode Island in USA, and the Australian Maritime College at the University of Tasmania, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, the World Maritime University (WMU) in Sweden and Dalian Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University in China. He has been key-note speakers and invited speakers in numerous places in the world. YT has published 8 books and over 90 journal papers. In recognition of his contribution to research, he was awarded Inha Fellow Professor (University Chair Professor). He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Maritime Economics & Logistics, International Journal of Logistics Management and Maritime Transport Research and reviews papers for most of international journals in maritime logistics and general transportation areas. He is PhD in Business Administration from Yonsei University in Korea and MSc from WMU.