Xiaojie Zhang
Technical Cooperation Division
International Maritime Organization
Before joining IMO Secretariat, Mr. Zhang had worked for the Ministry of Transport, China from 2012–2020 as the Counsel/Deputy Director-General, Department of International Cooperation and previously as the Director of Bilateral and Regional Cooperation and Director of International Organizations and Multilateral Affairs of the same department from 2002 to 2012. Mr. Zhang had overseen many bilateral and regional transport cooperation activities between the Government of China and countries in Asia and Pacific, Latin America, Africa and Europe. He had been in charge of China’s participation in many international activities, with a focus on transport-related international organizations and other multilateral/regional cooperation. He had served as the Chair of Government Group for the High-level Tripartite Working Group on Maritime Labour Standards, the Preparatory Technical Maritime Conference, and the 94 th (Maritime)Session of the International Labour Conference. From 2015, he had been the Head of the Chinese delegation to the IMO’s Council, Maritime Safety Committee and Marine Environment Protection Committee. Mr. Zhang was the elected Chair of the IMO Council from 2017 to 2020, before joining IMO Secretariat.